
About LeWa

My name is Leonie, often called Leo. I’m a self-taught printmaker and have a Bachelor’s degree in history and art history. I live in Bottrop, a town in a formerly dominant industrial part of Germany, the ruhr area.

Growing up I always liked to draw or create things. Once I started university I learned more about art history, however I had less and less time to be creative myself. When the pandemic hit I gave lino printing a try. I´m hooked to this medium ever since.

I made my very first print in December 2020. I really enjoy the process from drawing/designing an image, over carving it and finally printing it. 

My work is mostly inspired by my love for history and art. There are lots of great stories, people and artworks to discover and some are still more relatable then we might think. Nature/travel is also a subject of my prints, as well as my love for food, fantasy and a little bit of sarcasm.

About lino print

What is lino printing?

One method of printing is block printing. The main types of this method are metal block, wood block and linoleum (lino) block. My prints are all from lino blocks. This means I have to carve a design into the surface of the linoleum first, leaving raised (uncarved) areas. These have to be mirrored to what’s supposed to be the final print. The block has to be evenly inked up with a roller, also called brayer. The paper gets pressed onto of the block to create the final print image. This can be done by hand or a press.

Metal and wood printing has a longer tradition in the history of art, the material Linoleum was only created in the 1800s and firstly used as floor covering. It became a cheaper and easier to carve alternative to wood and metal blocks, especially for amateurs. Its popularity grew when artists such as Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso started using it in the early 1900s. Linocuts were especially popular among the German Expressionists in the beginning of the 20th century.

About Packaging

Packaging has more than one life.

The packaging that I use may look rough, they all already travelled a bit, but don´t panic, they can handle a few more trips for sure! That´s why I reuse them (and you can too). Many small business owner use recycled or environment friendly packaging, which I think is great! Since I´m just starting out and don´t have to handle as many orders as others, I like to collect and reuse packaging that I get from family and friends. I am sure the big companies don´t mind. So while the outside of your order might look a bit rough, I promise, it will be packed super safe and extra pretty. In the end it’s what’s on the inside that counts!